Unfortunately, there are growing manifestations of intolerance in Brazil and in the world. Situations of prejudice, xenophobia and racism against immigrants and refugees include hate speech in social media, verbal and physical aggression.
How do we combat intolerance, racism and xenophobia?
- Promoting awareness through lectures, debates, seminars, publications, exhibitions and cultural actions;
- Showing the intellectual and cultural heritage of refugees and how this framework benefits Brazil, renewing the Brazilian arts and making the country more multilingual and diverse;
- Organizing meetings and actions in favor of this integration: the Movement for Immigrants and Refugees, founded in Bibli-ASPA stands out. Every week, members of this movement (in partnership with the Federal Public Ministry, the State Public Ministry, the Public Democratic Ministry’s Offices, etc.), which includes judges, prosecutors, lawyers, teachers, social assistants, etc., coming together to think collectively about strategies of Integration, education, insertion in the labor market and access to public services.