The definition given by UNESCO for the term Culture of Peace means the commitment to promote and experience respect for one’s life and dignity without discrimination or prejudice, rejection of any form of violence, sharing of time and resources generously.To end exclusion, injustice and political and economic oppression, to develop freedom of expression and cultural diversity through dialogue and understanding of pluralism, to maintain responsible consumption respecting all forms of life and to contribute to the development of the community, Area, country and planet.
The BibliASPA shares this vision (see Who We Are) and has been absolutely committed so that, these principles permeate all the actions it develops, in an interdisciplinary way.
On a daily basis we seek to promote the culture of peace and cultural expressions of the Arab, African and South American peoples for the benefit of mutual respect and diversity.
We organize actions, projects and study groups on the subject frequently.
Rap for Peace
BibliASPA students created Rap for Peace with Arab and Brazilian students; Among other moments, the Rap was presented at CriançaEsperança. Listen below:
Observe the chorus !: All living with Hubb (?? – love) and Salam (???? – peace). Mussáwa (?????? – equality) … Wahda (???? – union) … that we have to learn and keep, all living with Hubb (?? – love) and Salám (???? – paz). Mussáwa and Salam, Equality and Peace, for me and for you.
Did you know?
Did you know that “Assalamaaleykom” (???????????, May peace be upon you) is one of the principal greetings used in Arab and Muslim countries?
Tent of Peace
BibliASPA organizes actions that promote cultural diversity, mutual respect and integration that motivate public interest and participation.
The Tent of Peace is a stimulus to exchange ideas and strengthen appreciation for cultural exchange. Hospitality is an important asset in ASPA, so the welcome can offer, coffee, books, art and education.
Tents also organize activities linked to social and individual memory, recording oral histories, for example.